- What is the Internet?
- History of the Internet
- The Internet: Wires, Cables & Wifi
- Computer Networks: Crash Course Computer Science #28
- Introduction to the protocol internet
- What is a protocol?
- Why are protocols so highly structured?
- What is a client? What is a server?
- Modello ISO/OSI: panoramica dei 7 livelli
- OSI Model Deep Dive
- The Internet: IP Addresses & DNS
- The Internet: Packets, Routing & Reliability
- The Internet: Crash Course Computer Science #29
- The Internet: HTTP & HTML
- The Internet: How Search Works
- The World Wide Web: Crash Course Computer Science #30
- The Internet: Cybersecurity & Crime
- Cybersecurity: Crash Course Computer Science #31
- Hackers & Cyber Attacks: Crash Course Computer Science #32
- The Internet: Encryption & Public Keys
- Cryptography: Crash Course Computer Science #33
- Hub, Switch or Router? Network Devices Explained
CLIL – Cryptography
- Introduction to internet security
- Who are Alice and Bob?
- What is end-to-end encryption?
- What is a plaintext? What is a ciphertext?
- What is symmetric encryption?
- What is a substitution cipher?
- What is a trapdoor function?
- What is the basis for most modern cryptography?
- What is asymmetric encryption?
- How do two parties exchange keys to communicate securely?
Strings (CLIL)
- C++ Tutorial
- Informatica 5 Liceo Scientifico Scienze Applicate
- Informatica (istituti tecnici) per le superiori
Per Fontana
Appunti ed esercizi
- Pointers vs References in C++
- Stati di un processo
- La struttura della memoria di un processo
- The Call Stack
- Arrays
- Big-O notation in 5 minutes — The basics (facoltativo, serve per capire alcune cose dei video sull’ordinamento dei vettori)
- Insertion sort in 2 minutes
- Selection sort in 3 minutes
- Bubble sort in 2 minutes
- Recursion and Stack
- Data Structures Using C++: Illustration of Recursive Function Calls (Call Stack)
Video per il recupero
Programmazione imperativa
I seguenti video sono prodotti dal Prof. Fabio Biscaro
- Basi di programmazione a blocchi
- Condizione: Condizioni e If
- Condizione: If avanzato con operatori
- Cicli: Do while
- Cicli: While
- Clicli: For
Programmazione in C++
Nuovo Corso C++11 ITA di fcamuso: si vedano i video dall’1 al 58